Art supporting charity

On Wednesday 10 November club members had the pleasure of attending the opening of the “Magical Moments” photography exhibition at Galéria Nedbalka in Bratislava.

The exhibition displays photographs taken by Peter Paško, Palo Luka, Peter Nižňanský and Julo Nagy documenting their photography trips to the American Southwest, Canada, South America, New Zealand, the Philippines, Iceland and Namibia between 2006 and 2016.

The exhibition presents large-scale landscape photographs capturing beautiful places in dramatic light along with snapshots of life in different parts of the world. The authors hope that the exhibition inspires people to start discovering magical places and moments.

Galéria Nedbalka has very generously offered to hold an auction of all photographs in the exhibition, the proceeds of which will be donated to Centrum pre deti a rodiny Bernolákovo - Bernolákovo children’s home as part of the IWCB’s 2021 Christmas fundraising campaign.

The exhibition runs until 12 December so there’s still time to enjoy the exhibit and place a bid on your favourite photograph. The only difficulty will be choosing which one…..Prices start at 250 Eur. Place your bids at the gallery.

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